Kim was elected as a Councillor in 2014 and enjoys representing Orpington Ward. Kim has lived in Orpington for 44 years and is married with 4 grown up children.
A retired Police Officer of 38 years service, she reached the rank of Chief Inspector. Kim is passionate and cares about the Community, serving on Committees such as Public Protection and Adult Social Care. In 2015 she was elected Mayor of Bromley and again in 2018 elected Mayor of Bromley raising a total of £91,000 for her charities.
Kim attends the Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel Meetings for Orpington and was nominated by residents for an LGIU award for working in Partnership with the Police in solving a major crime problem in Orpington. Kim was also recently nominated by Orpington Language School and Head Teachers for a LGIU National Councillor Award being and shortlisted in the top 5 in the UK. Kim regularly attends Ward Events and events arranged by the businesses.
Kim is President of the Royal British Legion Orpington Branch and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.